Bren Improved Receiver Weld Jig

This is a full length steel jig that clamps the receiver sections firmly in
place and in alignment for welding. The inner bar has been machined
to fit the receiver tightly to eliminate play and ensure correct alignment.
The overall length of the receiver is set with the jig.Tthe bottom plate is
1 1/2″ x 1/2″ steel to eliminate flexing.

Receiver Reconstruction & Machining services
Basic reweld includes rebuilding your parts into a semi auto or post sample configuration, post samples
are only for holders of an SOT. Basic weld service includes TIG welding the receiver with semi auto
mods, machining the interior to accept a bolt, bolt carrier, lower and magazine. The exterior will need to
be ground and polished and some minor fitting of all the parts will be required. All the appropriate
information will be cnc engraved on the exterior and it will need to go to an FFL. Price: $600.00

Complete receiver reconstruction includes all of the above and finishing the exterior as well, some
minor fitting may be required to finish the gun. Price:……………………………………………….$800.00

Semi Auto internals conversion, this includes machining the bolt, bolt carrier and lower to semi auto
specs. Price:………………………………………………………………………………………………………$250.00